Robin Gunkel

Mushroom City Art Festival

This episode is with Robin Gunkel, Bloom Baltimore organizer, poet, and academic advisor. We talk about her experience this past summer with a training and retreat organized by CoRenewal, called the New Moon Mycology Summit. Robin also shares about this year's Mushroom City Art Festival and a bioremediation project that she and fellow organizers are doing in Johnston Square in Baltimore.

This quote sums up the vibe of the interview:

"I'm seeing regenerative culture as part of grandmother culture.... seeing an interconnected thread and seeing how the work we're doing is intergenerational. That we're processing trauma that has been passed down to us, and we're also building a world for future generations. Recognizing the larger mycelial tapestry that we occupy together."

I hope you enjoy this beautiful mesh of an interview.

If you would like to support Robin and the civic mushroom festival she organizes, Mushroom City Art Festival, please make a donation at - the donation link is in the footer at the bottom right.

Here are links to projects Robin refers to: *CoRenewal *Mushroom City Art Festival *New Moon Mycology Summit(check out the 2018 class descriptions!!)
*Fantastic Fungi Film

Do any of you know of a resource online for learning about mycroremediation and oil spills? We'd love to include information on this in the Bloom wiki that will go live in January. Here is one article that gives more details if you would like to nerd out about it.

Mush love, Magenta Ceiba Bloom Podcast host and editor

Music credits: Beyond the Bridge, Adam Elim Bloom, MaMuse

Copyright 2018