Daniel Christian Wahl

Designing Regenerative Cultures

This episode is with Daniel Christian Wahl, author of Designing Regenerative Cultures. Daniel lives on Majorca, and works locally and internationally as a consultant, educator and activist.

In this episode we discuss:

++ tips for getting started with contributing to regenerative culture where you live ++ thinking between different scales, from a specific project to the interconnection of regional, national and global scales ++ the role of policy and political leadership in incentivizing local production ++ building global networks of global collaboration and global solidarity ++ the likely realities of the next 100 years of Climate Change ++ the 4th industrial revolution towards a circular biomaterials economy at the scale of different bioregions

Bio: Daniel Christian Wahl was born in Munich in 1971 and grew up in Germany. By the time he was 28 he had travelled in 35 different countries on six continents. His early career was as a marine biologist and scuba diving instructor, before he decided to focus on sustainability and sustainable communities in 1998. Originally trained as a biologist and zoologist at the University of Edinburgh and the University of California, Santa Cruz, Daniel also holds an MSc in Holistic Science (Schumacher College, 2002) and a PhD in Natural Design (University of Dundee, 2006).

Daniel has taught capacity building workshops on a wide range of sustainability issues to local authorities and businesses through the UN-affiliated training centre CIFAL Scotland. Among his consultancy clients have been the United Nations Institute of Training and Research (UNITAR), the British Government’s UK Foresight (with Decision Integrity Ltd.), LEAD International, CLEAR Village, and companies like Camper, Ecover (with Forum for the Future), Lush and the tourism innovation cluster Balears, as well as various universities and charities.

In 2016 he published his first book, Designing Regenerative Cultures. Daniel lives on Majorca, and works locally and internationally as a consultant, educator and activist.

Keep up to date with Daniel's work on Medium - https://medium.com/@designforsustainability

His book can be ordered at https://www.triarchypress.net/drc.html

Music Credits: Intro: Beyond the Bridge by Adam Elim Outro: Bloom by MaMuse

Bloom Podcast cover illustration by Jessica Perlstein

About the Bloom Podcast:

Our intention for the Bloom Podcast is for it to become a networking and community building vessel. Tune in to what guests share, and if you're inspired to to get involved with related activities, seek them out where you live. Getting involved in regenerative actions is a way to keep your spirits up and to secure health for your community as the extractive systems start to wind themselves down. I'm here if you have questions, and the Bloom team is in the process of setting up communication systems so the global network can more easily share peer support and networking.

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If there’s a topic you want us to cover or someone you’d like to hear on the show, please get in touch. If you’d like to support this podcast, you can donate at http://bloomnetwork.org/members

-Magenta Ceiba Host, Bloom Podcast Executive Director, Bloom Network

Copyright 2018